Solano Family & Children’s Services offers FREE child care referrals through a computer-generated list (we don't make recommendations). We will personalize a search for you based on your needs and requirements by asking you some questions that will help with your search.
- Location
- Type of care
- Hours needed
- Ages of children
Searching for a child care provider can be overwhelming. Sometimes additional services and information is needed. Our Resource and Referral Team can help by answering your questions.
We can also provide one-on-one support for families with high-priority needs, such as finding care for a child with special needs, an infant or toddler, a child entering foster care, or other needs that may make it difficult to find care.
Quality child care offers children supportive, nurturing relationships with trusted adults and positive, diverse learning experiences that promote children's physical and psychological safety. It also promotes health and emotional, social, cognitive, and creative development.
Check out our Choosing Quality Child Care Guide for more information on quality care, the different types of child care, questions to ask potential providers, licensing requirements, etc.